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Home » The Best Breakfast Foods for a Flatter Stomach

The Best Breakfast Foods for a Flatter Stomach

    The Best Breakfast Foods for a Flatter Stomach

    Getting enough fiber and protein each morning is crucial for a flat belly.

    Sometimes when you are trying to get a flatter stomach, skipping meals may help. However, breakfast is crucial to your overall health; it’s also critical to supporting your metabolism and getting your desired flat belly.

    When discussing losing belly fat, we focus on the visceral fat that collects around a person’s abdomen. Visceral fat is the “dangerous” type because it sits on your abdominal organs and can lead to heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Losing this fat is different for everyone, but it often involves making some dietary changes and incorporating movement and exercise where possible.

    Some of the best breakfasts you can choose when you’re working on losing belly fat include eating higher amounts of fiber and protein, which are critical for healthy weight management. Eating a diet higher in protein and fiber was associated with weight loss and reduced risk of metabolic factors.

    With this in mind, which foods should you stock up on for breakfast? We asked a few experts to give us their list of the best breakfast foods for a flatter stomach, and the results may surprise you.

    1. Oatmeal

    Oatmeal is one of the best breakfasts you can eat for getting a flatter stomach.

    The fiber in oatmeal helps us feel satiated longer because it is a slow-release carbohydrate, which means it provides energy but doesn’t spike blood sugar. The energy from slow-release carbs is released over a long period, giving you plenty of power for the day without making you feel sluggish.

    Eating oatmeal gives your body the fiber for heart health and proper digestion. When your digestion works properly, your stomach will thank you and become flatter.

    2. Eggs

    According to our experts, eggs are another great way to start your day and work toward achieving a flat tummy. In addition, an egg breakfast and a caloric-deficit diet helped participants lose more weight than those who ate a bagel for breakfast.

    Eggs are a great source of complete protein, which will help balance that morning blood sugar response while also helping keep your lean muscle mass fueled for a metabolism boost. In addition, eggs mixed with high-fiber veggies are fabulous for getting that flat stomach.

    3. Protein shakes

    Speaking of protein, a filling protein shake is also a great breakfast choice, especially if a flatter tummy is your ultimate goal.

    A morning protein shake will help you gain a flatter stomach by keeping your breakfast calories in check and providing the 20–30 grams of protein the body needs for proper metabolism. Hen, you can add fruits and veggies to your protein shake; you are even ahead of the game by boosting your daily fiber intake and helping build your digestion for that flatter stomach.

    Women who ate a high-protein diet experienced more weight loss than those who ate a standard amount of protein. A protein shake can be a great way to start your day if you need a significant protein boost.

    4. Greek yogurt

    If you’re craving a sweeter treat in the morning, Greek protein yogurt with some fruit and nuts is the way to go. Those who ate a high-protein yogurt for a snack in the afternoon experienced more satiety and ate fewer calories at dinner.

    Greek yogurt is a convenient breakfast that is delicious, enjoyable to eat, and rich in protein. Research has shown that those who regularly consume Greek yogurt tend to weigh less.

    5. Turkey or chicken sausage

    Getting good-quality protein in your morning meal is essential for weight loss, especially around your stomach area. In addition, research shows that eating a diet higher in protein can help with satiety and having greater feelings of fullness.

    You try chicken or turkey sausage to get some extra protein in your breakfast. This will give you a leaner protein boost than typical pork or sausage. Then round out your breakfast plate with fiber- and vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables, creating a well-balanced petit-déjeuner.

    Learn more: 9 Heart-Healthy Foods and Drinks

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